Rényi Institute research professor Máté Matolcsi receives the Frontiers of Science Award
The first International Congress of Basic Sciences (ICBS) took place from July 16-26, 2023 at the new campus of the Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA). At the prestigious international event, Máté Matolcsi, research professor at the ELKH Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics (Rényi Institute), received the distinguished Frontiers of Science Award for his outstanding scientific work.
The chair of the ICBS conference organizing committee, Shing-Tung Yau (Fields Medal, 1982), enlisted such luminaries in the field for the organization as Caucher Birkar (Fields Medal, 2018), David Gross (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2004) and Nikolai Reshetikhin.

At the opening of the international event, David Mumford (Fields Medal, 1974) and Adi Shamir (one of the inventors of the RSA algorithm) received lifetime achievement awards. Additionally, approximately 80 mathematical, 25 computer science, and 10 theoretical physics papers were presented the prestigious Frontiers of Science Award, which was established to recognize the most outstanding papers in the field in the past five years. László Végh (LSE, London) and Máté Matolcsi, a research professor at the Rényi Institute, are among the distinguished recipients of this prestigious recognition for their scientific work. László Végh received the award in the computer science category, while Máté Matolcsi was honored for his collaborative work with Nir Lev, titled "The Fuglede conjecture for convex domains is true in all dimensions," which was published in Acta Mathematica.
Stipsicz András, the Director of Rényi Institute, also participated in the award presentation as a member of the 'Symplectic and Differential Topology' panel.