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Outstanding scientific work of professors József Bokor, László Keviczky and Ákos Zarándy recognized with Kálmán Rudolf Award


At the institutional meeting of the ELKH Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI) held on June 16, 2022, the Kálmán Rudolf Award for outstanding scientific achievement was awarded to Professor József Bokor, Scientific Director of SZTAKI, Vice President of the ELKH Governing Board, Professor László Keviczky, former Director of the research institute and Chairman of the Scientific Council, and Professor Ákos Zarándy, Head of the Computer Optical Sensing and Processing Research Laboratory. The awards, considered the institution's most significant professional recognition, were presented by László Monostori, the Director of SZTAKI.

The award is named after the electrical engineer and inventor Rudolf Kálmán, who passed away in 2016. When he was a child, he and his family fled from the Second World War in 1943 to the United States and settled there. He graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1954 and received his PhD in 1957 from Columbia University. He held the highest American honors and international recognitions, but was also proud of his honorary Hungarian academic membership and his relationship with SZTAKI. He lectured there on several occasions and had his own room at the research institute until his death.
